How Effective is Laser Stretch Mark Removal?

When it comes to skincare, many think that it is only taking care of your face. Actually, taking care of skin includes each part of the body that needs to be well-nourished. Each step of body care takes people closer to radiant and glowing skin.

Maybe, some obstacles come to the surface and many people feel bothered about their skin shape and the problems they have. Luckily, with the current updates in skincare centers and clinics, nothing is fated to remain a problem. One of these problems is stretch marks that many people are annoyed with. Is there any treatment that can be done to remove these marks? Sure! Don’t worry about it, the laser treatment is a great solution to get rid of stretch marks. This guide will help you to learn more about this laser mark stretch removal.

What is Laser Mark Stretch Removal Treatment?

The procedure of laser stretch mark removal involves laser resurfacing to remove the striae. Essentially, it removes the top layer of skin so that the skin beneath will be restructured.

The procedure is done by using beams of light in concentrated amounts to revive the growth of new skin. It may seem hard to get rid of all the stretch marks completely, but laser removal is considered a helper technique that makes striae smoother and then reduces their appearance.

There are two types of lasers that are used for skin rejuvenation treatment, ablative and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers work by treating stretch marks and destroying the upper layer of skin. As a result, the newly generated tissues will appear smoother and healthier.

On the other hand, non-ablative lasers don't destroy the upper layers of the skin but target the underlying layers to promote collagen production.

How Long Does It Last?

The skin resurfacing may last for years, but it also depends on the level at that people take care of their skin. Sometimes there is only a need to depend on ablative laser treatment although non-ablative treatments are not aggressive. Experts estimate that an individual may need one to six non-ablative laser treatments on average.

According to professional surgeons, the results can last for years once the skin has completely healed and all sessions have been completed.

Red vs. White Stretch Marks:

There are many factors that lead to the appearance of stretch marks such as weight gain or growth. Stretch marks are colored lines or streaks that look like tears on the skin but they aren’t considered an indication of a health issue.

The first appearance of stretch marks begins as red or purple marks and then fades slowly to white or silver over time. The color difference distinguishes how the old marks are. The treatment helps to lighten the color of these marks even if they don’t disappear completely. In some cases, these stretch marks fade away on their own.

Stretch marks with a red tint are easier to treat. Normally, they appear red because blood vessels exist under the skin. Red stretch marks respond better to treatment when they have functioning blood vessels.

Stretch marks that are white are older and more difficult to treat. Over time, it will be hard for blood vessels to stimulate collagen. The results of treatments may not be as drastic as those that appear in red stretch marks, but still, there are available options that aid in their fading naturally.

Inkless Stretch Mark Removal?

It’s also known as inkless stretch mark camouflage or inkless stretch mark revision.

It involves inserting tiny needles under the skin so a mixture of serums and vitamins can be inserted under the skin to help the skin repair itself. It is somewhat similar to a gentle tattoo, except without the tattoo ink.

It stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and melanocytes in the area. As the skin's natural tone returns, it becomes softer and firmer. Stretch marks will be treated closely, in order to target specific areas. Microneedling and inkless stretch mark camouflage have the same effect of causing skin "trauma" that the body rushes to correct. By injecting collagen and elastin into the affected areas, inkless camouflage takes this procedure to the next level.

After the Treatment:

After the procedure is finished, there are some steps the patient needs to do and treat the skin with care. If the treated skin is sensitive, the patient should not be exposed to sunlight to avoid any side effects. There are many moisturizers and lotions that can be applied to the treated area to fasten the recovery. The surgeon will advise the patient to apply different creams according to their skin type.

Homemade Cream to Treat Stretch Marks:

There are other treatments for removing stretch marks such as homemade cream. Other creams that exist in stores may be expensive but it’s easy to make cream at home to get rid of these annoying marks. Here is a homemade cream that can help you to get rid of stretch marks, but it’s better to double-check it with a doctor before applying it.

- Add 2 tablespoons each of shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil to the mixture.

- The second step is to add 10 drops of vitamin E oil.

- Melt mixture over low heat in a thick-bottomed pan.

- Whip the melted mixture with a whisk after it has melted, and then remove from heat.

- In step 5, add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and whip until well blended.

- Keep stretch mark cream in an airtight container, such as a small jelly jar or mason jar.

- Apply the stretch mark cream regularly to any area where you want to avoid stretch marks.


A common skin problem is stretch marks. In comparison with newer stretch marks, white stretch marks are older scars that are more difficult to treat. If you choose, there are ways to reduce the appearance of your scars. Be aware that you may not completely eliminate your stretch marks even after undergoing treatment. Consult a dermatologist if you have questions about treatment or side effects.


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